Sunday, May 20, 2007

Bringin' Lexi Back

Bare lists of words are found suggestive to an imaginative and excited mind.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher (1803-1882)

Dutch: Bung,

Brackish, Trice, Morass,

Hanker, Loll, Foist,

Leedvermaak, Welter, Ort,

Avast, Furlough, Moue,

Sutler, Stevedore, Bedizen

Scottish: Ceilidh, Pillion, Inglenook

Bairn, Agley, Mickle

Feckless, Blatherskite, Doch-an-Dorris

Breton: Bijou, Mien

Norse: Snuck, Fellow,

Quagmire, Lambaste, Gadabout,

Haunt, Slaver, Akimbo,

Cleave, Ombudsman, Egg on

Irish: Galore,

Bonnyclabber, Banshee, Kibosh

Welsh: Crwth, Flummery

Langobard: Pizza